Dumbbell Tricep Exercises

Dumbbell Tricep Exercises

A tricep works out is challenging for all. It is more arduous and requires all of your efforts. Tricep workouts are compound movements through which you can work with multiple muscle groups. It is necessary to do the trick work out for at least 20minutes. Therefore, fitness freaks and gym-goers start with lighter weights so as to save their energy for other workouts.

Let us know about the Dumbbell Tricep Exercises which are recommended for developing the triceps:

1.Two Arms Triceps Extension: In this method, you need to stand in an upright posture. Posture plays an inherent role in all the workouts. While doing the above-mentioned workout, try bringing the dumbbell up and simultaneously curl your elbows. The upper arms should remain still and calm.

2. One Arm Tricep Extension: This is one of the easiest tricep exercises. In this method, you need to hold the dumbbell firmly with your one arm and bring it behind your head. It is necessary to maintain the 90-degree angle.

3. Seated Triceps Extension: In this method of work out, you need to raise the dumbbell with both hands. You need to remain seated while doing the exercise.


For better results, a Dumbbell Tricep Exercises must be done after a chest or a shoulder workout.

Dumbbell Tricep Exercises

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