Bridging exercise
Bridging exercises are comparatively easy among other exercises. It is generally an exercise chained up closely. Bridging exercises are mostly meant for the hip muscles and hip bones. They’re simple, easy, and don’t require much effort for anything.
All that you need for these bridging exercises is just a mat and some sheer determination. They are simple, but they can’t take too much out of your schedule. If you practice this exercise for ten minutes a day, you will definitely analyse a better figure.
Types of bridging exercises
There aren’t many types of bridging exercises. However, the general bridging exercises include lying straight on a mat with knees above. Now, you need to push your back up to the air and lie back. Keep doing this for several times. This is known as bridging.
The advantages, however, are many.
- They stabilise your body
- They strengthen your hips
- To avoid the dis-functionalities of hip joints
- To grow the metabolism of the entire body.
Bridging exercises are effortless to practice and give many advantages. Thus, it becomes a must-try for us to stay healthy and fit and further, throw away the issues of back, hips, or waist.
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About the author : Tricep
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